Today I launch a new perspective to my art with a blog page on my website. My intention is for this section to be an aggregate of weekly creative thoughts, observations, opinions, suggestions, processes and inspirations, with a little artist humor thrown in every now and then. I hope you enjoy reading it.
“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” – Pablo Picasso

December 4, 2020
Happy Friday! It’s a beautiful day to create!

November 30, 2020
Question of the Day: “How to feel miserable as an artist” (author unknown):
1. Constantly compare yourself to other artists.
2. Talk to your family about what you do and epect them to cheer you on.
3. Base the success of your entire career on one project.
4. Stick with what you know.
5. Undervalue your expertise.
6. Let money dictate what you do.
7. Bow to societal pressures.
8. Only do work that your family woudl love.
9. Do whatever the client/customer/gallery owner/patron/investor asks.
10. Set unachievable/overhwlming goals. To be accomplished by tomorrow.
November 29, 2020
I watched an inspiring piece about sketch artist Charlie Mackesy on CBS Sunday Morning that I wanted to share. SO heartwarming and inspiring. This recent GQ article on him will also touch your heart. Enjoy!